“Why Didn't This Diet Work For Me?”

I have coached a lot of people. I've seen a lot of diets fail people and I've seen a lot of diets succeed. Conveniently, I've been around long enough to see the same diet both work for someone and then fail later, which I still call a failure. 

Most diets are too restrictive. They cut out a ton of foods and people stick to them for a while then quit. Maybe they even stick with them long enough to lose the 10, 20 or 50 pounds they set out to lose. But then people go back to regular eating having learned nothing and slowly gain it all back. 

If I help you lose weight and it's not STILL GONE 5 years later, I didn't help you, I just delayed your problem. 

YOUR diet is going to look different than someone else's, which is why I think you need to get some guidance. But if you want to start before you even get to the bottom of this blog post, then here are 3 things you can start doing right now. 

First, stop buying junk food. Don't have unhealthy chips, candy and treats in the house. Don't make things harder on yourself by having them around so easily. 

Second, get enough protein in. Protein will help you hold on to muscle as you lose weight helping your metabolism stay higher. It's also filling. Figure out how to get enough protein in and hit that every day. 

Third, plan ahead. Don't get stuck in situations where you are forced to make a bad choice because you're starving or you're on the road without better options. Plan ahead and put yourself in a position to win. 

You can do this. 

And if you REALLY want help to make a permanent lifestyle change, to lose the weight and keep it off and know exactly how to do it for you, then send me an email at corey@coreblendtraining.com so I can help. 


Corey Davis


Reframing the "Dad Bod"


“Why Won't More Cardio Make Me Skinny?”